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Начало » 2008 » Декември » 3 » Fruitorial»

3:53 PM
A request was made to show how to slice an object and show fruit or some such in the center. The best subject matter for this type of chop normally will have a fairly simple background that does not add too much to your workload. Here is a down and dirty slice and dice:

1. Start with a couple of original images and combine into a single file on separate layers.
Bottom Layer

Next Layer

2. Reduce the transparency of the top orange layer so you can make out the bottom 8-ball and top orange object and use the transform tool to move, scale and rotate to align the images. Reset the transparency to 100% when done.

3. Add a Layer mask the top orange layer to reduce the image to just the cross-cut you want to see. (Tip: If you use the oval selection tool and then transform the "selection", it will make getting a clean shape easier.)

4. Duplicate the bottom cue ball layer so you can preserve your original and place directly above original. Right click on the layer mask for the orange and pick "Add Layer Mask to Selection"; select the duplicated cue ball layer; inverse the selection; and then clone or paint background over the portions of cue ball sticking above the orange.

5. Make another duplicate of the bottom cue-ball layer and transform this layer to move and rotate the image to the side. Here you can temporarily reduce the layers transparency to see what it looks like in relation to the layers below. Once you have it moved to the side, add a layer mask and use the oval selection tool to create a new cut edge and remove the bottom portion of the cue-ball so it appears to cut away portion.

6. You should be left with something almost there, but the image floats and your mind will not accept this image as real, because the lighting is not right.

7. Create a new shadow layer between the orange slice and the cue ball layer below. Set the shadow layer blend mode to multiply and paint a shadow shape in black. It will look too harsh. Run Gaussian Blur and reduce the layer opacity to between 50 to 60% to match the original shadows.

8. Create a second shadow layer above the orange layer and below the top half of the cue-ball. Follow the same steps as 7 and paint a shadow on top of the orange.

The finished image should look something like this.

This was done really quickly and typing the tutorial took longer than the work. Hope this helps you make some fun stuff.
Прегледи: 620 | Добавен от: psworld |
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«  Декември 2008  »

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